About Rita Chewe
From childhood, when looking at airplanes in the sky, Rita Chewe wanted to contribute to the development of the #aviation industry, be part of a global community. Thanks to her outstanding academic performance, she received a 5 1/2 year scholarship from the Russian government to study aerospace engineering.
In 2019 she graduated from Samara State Aerospace University – one of the largest aerospace universities in Russia – with first class honors bachelor degree in aeronautical maintenance. Her internships and other training programs have made her gain experience and give her the necessary skills as an #engineer.
To gain a more global perspective of the aeronautical industry, she joined the Master “International Air Transport Operations Management” at ENAC. Aviation enthusiast and advocate for a greener aviation future, Rita is keen to launch her professional career in sustainable aviation.
She joined Avions Mauboussin as a hybrid hydrogen aircraft certification and operation intern.